Our Technologies

Discover the Tech Revolution of WheelTrip. Arduino Nano, QMC5883L for precision, microswitch, mini breadboard for control, buzzer, LED rings for a multi-modal journey, and a rotary encoder for seamless interaction. Elevate your mobility experience.

Arduino Nano and QMC5883L Sensor

We've harnessed the power of Arduino Nano, paired with a QMC5883L sensor, to provide accurate navigation and orientation capabilities.

Microswitch and Mini Breadboard

The microswitch and mini breadboard enhance the user interface, enabling easy interaction and customization of the device's functionalities.

Buzzer and LED Rings:

The integration of a buzzer and two LED rings offers multi-modal feedback, ensuring users receive alerts and guidance through both visual and auditory cues.

Rotary Encoder

A rotary encoder, specifically designed for enhanced usability, empowers users to navigate and interact with the device effortlessly.

System Architecture


Planning the Circuit

First step consisted in planning how the portable device was expected to work, before synchronizing it with the mobile app.

First trials

To test and verify the device technical structure, we used Tinkercad.

First Prototype

After verifying the code, we developed a first raw prototype to test the reach of interaction and how manageable it was.

Device in Action

Our first prototype came to life to test during the Demo Madness session we perform with our interaction design peers.

Technical Diagram

How do we synchronize them?

Enjoy The Ride With Us

Setting our users free from fear and axiety while navigating cities, is our motivation.

MSc Digital and Interaction Design – Final Design Studio

A.A. 2023/2024

Liyuan Dong, Sarah Serhal, Lina Useche, Yu Yi Wong and Shuang Wang.

WheelTrip™. Unchain the Journey. © 2023