Our System, behind the scenes

Explore how our app and device harmonize, employing advanced technologies for a seamless and informed ride. It's not just an app; it's a comprehensive system working hand in hand to empower your mobility.

Discover the Future of City Wheelchair Navigation

Portable Device

Providing real-time guidance through visual cues, audio prompts, and haptic feedback, this compact companion ensures a safe and immersive journey.

Mobile App

From custom route planning to real-time updates about your surroundings, the app is your gateway to an enriched navigation experience.

Our App

Know Your Route

Gain valuable insights about your surroundings, with information on obstacles, accessible facilities, points of interest, and real-time updates about the city's wheelchair-friendly amenities.

Customize It

Tailor your journey by AI based on personal preferences, whether you prioritize the fastest route, the most accessible path, or a scenic tour of the city.

Emotion map

Capture your memories within the personal emotional map. Allow you to get the circumstances of the destination based on others' emotional scores in the global one.

Portable Device

In Site Guidance

The device displays your route in real-time, guiding you through a combination of visual cues, audio prompts, and tactile feedback.

Map With Emotions

With our device, you can map the city based on your emotions anytime during the trip. Just choose the emoji that better describes your feelings and we will save it for you.

Emergency Call

Our device gets you immediate help under any circumstance with one quick action. The system is error-safe and allows you to make quick emergency calls on the road.

Our Why: The People and Their Stories Behind


Wheelchair User for 25 years

Disability is made by the environment. We have all the right to enjoy public spaces and that's why I think the design of the public space should be universal.


Temporary wheelchair user

Being in a wheel chair is sometimes boring. While I was injured I didn't do much: go to the doctor, watch Netflix and that's it. Didn't even have the motivation to cook for myself.


Chronic injured user

Being in a wheelchair, especially at the beginning, requires a huge mental effort. You realize not all spaces are accessible, and you have to figure out how to navigate them and try to overcome the constant fear of the unknown.

The WheelTrip Experience

User Needs

Trip Planning

"I want an intuitive tool for accessible journey planning and navigation."


"I want a safe journey that I don’t have to worry much when travelling alone."

Memorable Experience

"I want a fun and engaging travel experience, where I could revisit my journey and emotions anytime I want."

Connect With Others

"I want a platform to connect and share accessibility information with others with similar needs."

Easy Interactions

Rotate and Press

The device was designed to foster a straightforward interaction.

Emotional Mapping

Simply rotate and choose the emotions that better represent your feelings.

Create AI plan

Quickly build a trip with AI in the app
Generate a route that avoids barriers.

Double navigation from app and device

An intuitive accessible navigation with real-time guidance lights on the device.

Accessibility and obstacles

Record the obstacle to the map and keep everyone in the community updated.

Check emotional Map

You can always view a map of your own and public people's emotions.

The Impact We Want to Make

Inclusive Tourism

Designing travel experiences and communities tailored for wheelchair users to create a more inclusive travel environment.

Quality of Life

Focusing on comfortable and enjoyable experiences for wheelchair users to create more memorable experiences.

Embodied Interaction

Designing a natural interaction method during travel, especially focusing on interactive experiences in navigation and maps.

MSc Digital and Interaction Design – Final Design Studio

A.A. 2023/2024

Liyuan Dong, Sarah Serhal, Lina Useche, Yu Yi Wong and Shuang Wang.

WheelTrip™. Unchain the Journey. © 2023