Empowering Your Journey

Enabling Your Adventure



About WheelTrip

WheelTrip is an innovative app and integrated device designed for wheelchair users to navigate cities confidently. It combines a user-friendly touch interface and AI-powered mapping to identify and circumvent common obstacles, ensuring smooth and safe journeys. Our community-driven platform compiles real-time city data, enabling users to plan trips with the most accessible routes. WheelTrip aims to restore independence to wheelchair users, transcending transportation barriers and offering a reliable tool for exploring urban environments. Our commitment lies in providing an inclusive and confident city exploration experience for all users, regardless of their mode of transport.

How might we redefine urban navigation to empower wheelchair users with seamless, AI-guided city exploration, erasing barriers and enhancing independence?

Making Mobility Free-Flowing

The Context

WheelTrip emerged from the dire need to liberate wheelchair users in their urban explorations. Our research unearthed the labyrinth of challenges they face, revealing a need for more than just navigation – a comprehensive tool to empower their journey. It embodies a lifestyle celebrating independence and self-assurance in city travels. Picture navigating a bustling city; now imagine doing it in a wheelchair. WheelTrip is our answer, reshaping this urban jungle into an unashamedly accessible haven.

Multiple Problems, One Solution

Wheelchair users encounter daily obstacles navigating urban landscapes. Their challenges range from inaccessible pathways to limited information on city accessibility.

No more waiting around for public buses or relying on others for travelling. With WheelTrip, wheelchair users conquer the busy city streets laced with unpredictability.

Ever asked yourself why we haven’t flown cars yet? Well, we asked ourselves why wheelchair users can’t rove around town with ease. That’s how WheelTrip popped into existence.

We put our heads together to carefully craft WheelTrip into an able companion for the wheelchair wanderer, making sure no terrain is unconquerable. Our goal is to elevate confidence and independence in every city journey.

Need Statement

Need Statement

“As a long-term wheelchair user, I want to have a safe, convenient and engaging travel experience, so that I can have confidence to take solo travel adventures.”

the BIG idea

Empowering wheelchair users to navigate urban jungles confidently. Our innovation revolutionizes city exploration, offering unparalleled accessibility insights, erasing barriers, and empowering users with personalized routes for unbridled independence

Learn More

Key Features of WheelTrip

Key Features of WheelTrip

Key Features of WheelTrip

Intelligent Obstacle Detection

Sidewalk blocked by construction? We’ve got you covered.

Fast Route Updates

The usual route is too crowded? We reroute instantly.

Wheelchair Performance Monitoring

Ensures your ride is always at its top-notch efficiency.

Public Transit Timetable

Stay up-to-date about the public transit schedules.

Off-road Travel

Rugged terrains are no longer unconquerable.

Freedom Sky-high

Empowering your adventures, one city at a time.

Urban Navigation

Glide through skyscrapers with a grin.

Empowering Independence in City Navigation.

Empowering Independence in City Navigation.

Dream Team

Dream Team

Dream Team

Meet the brains that turned barriers into bridges.

Yu Yi Wong

Interaction Designer

Liyuan Dong

Interaction Designer

Shuang Wang

Interaction Designer

Sarah Serhal

Interaction Designer

Lina Useche

Interaction Designer

Stay Wheelin’

Stay Wheelin’

Stay Wheelin’

Stay updated about our latest breakthroughs and be a part of the WheelTrip family. We promise you a wheel good time!

Stay updated about our latest breakthroughs and be a part of the WheelTrip family. We promise you a wheel good time!

MSc Digital and Interaction Design – Final Design Studio

A.A. 2023/2024

Liyuan Dong, Sarah Serhal, Lina Useche, Yu Yi Wong and Shuang Wang.

WheelTrip™. Unchain the Journey. © 2023